Thursday, December 19, 2013
Hershey's Kisses Mini Christmas Tree!
Check out this Mini Hershey's Christmas tree my daughter and I made! Isn't it adorable?! Pretty good for our first one Eh? We had fun making this! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Muah! Hershey Kisses!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Silver and Gold! Mini Candy Boquet!
Ok... here is my Silver and Gold Creation!
This one is actually a Mini Candy Boquet
filled with Butterscotch Candies! I hop you
guys enjoy my Silver and Gold Creation!
Winter Wonderland! My Newest Creation!
My Latest Creation!
Winter Wonderland!
I thought it would be nice
to create something that
reminds me of Christmas
besides the colors red and
green. So the colors silver
and blue sprang to mind! I
also thought of the colors
silver and gold! Which will
the theme for my next Boquet!
Stay tuned! I hope you enjoy
my latest creation!:0
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Miniature Candy Boquet in a Glass!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Early Christmas Creation for Christmas!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Happy Halloween! And A New Halloween Basket!
Happy Halloween here is my latest creation! With a lil help from
my daughters! I couldn't get that ribbon right to save my life. I don't
know if it's Halloween here or not. It's always on the 31st where I'm
from. I let my my Grand devour it last night, though lol! So without further
ado my newest Halloween Basket!
It's just a simple lil Halloween Basket, but my
Grand Children enjoyed/loved it! So if they are
happy so am I! Happy Halloween!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The Avengers! Gift Basket for Grandson's 6th BDAY!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Off my Hiatus!!! Yay!
Off my hiatus....
I don't know how often I'll
be posting though because
aren't completely back to
normal but here are a few
pics of what I was doing
while I was out! lol! Hope
you enjoy!:0)
Visited the museum...isn't that pretty blue/purple rock?
We saw a mastadon, visited the mummies, took some of the Grands to the park, saw a horse and carriage, saw some big goldfish in a fountain at the mall, flowers that my Grand Daughter picked for her mommy, Bessie the IHOP mascot, A pic my daughter's food. She was trying to eat sushi at a buffet(yuck) lol!, and last but not least a picture of a beautiful rainbow after rainfall on a lovely Sunday afternoon! Hope you enjoyed the pics! Now maybe I can get some work done!:0)
Monday, July 22, 2013
I'm on Hiatus....
I'm on Hiatus! My life has been
busy, busy, busy!!! I'll be back
when things have calmed down.
Maybe Bye!
busy, busy, busy!!! I'll be back
when things have calmed down.
Maybe Bye!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Happy Fathers Day!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Would you buy this? (Demo)
This is a demo of an idea I came up
with! This is for use in public restrooms.
It's not complete I still have some things
to add to it. Would you buy this if it was
on the market?
Contents include moist hand wipes,
hand lotion, hand sanitizer, and tissues!
Another pic on different background.
What do you think?
Monday, May 20, 2013
Elmo needs a friend!!!
Elmo is looking a lil lonely here:0( hmmm let me see what
can I do to make him happy? Fill him up with goodies and
give him away to some lucky child?! Yeah I thinks that's
what I'll do! Stay tuned!!!;0)
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Basket Idea.....The Avengers!
The contents of the Avengers Basket!
The Basket Lights up!:0)
Iron Man and the Hulk also light up!
Can't see it here though. Look at the
previous pic. The Hulk is lighting up!
Better view of the Characters on the
basket! The basket lights are still going!
Thinking of doing a giveaway of this
basket once it's complete! What do
you guys think? Yay or Nay?
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Follow my blog wit BlogLovin!
Well as we all know that we have
to say bye bye to Google Friend
So I'm asking everyone if you have Blog Lovin please follow my blog through
there. Or through email! I'm even hearing that their also getting rid of
FeedBurner. I'm trying Feedly but I'm not to sure about them yet. So if
you'd like to follow me you can follow through BL,email,G+, or even
twitter! I'll be removing GFC soon so whoever followed me there please
follow me through the on one of the other ways I listed or heck through
all if you like! Thanks!:0) Please follow me through BlogLovin or through
twitter,G+,email to the right on the side bar! Thanks!I follow back!:0)
So I'm asking everyone if you have Blog Lovin please follow my blog through
there. Or through email! I'm even hearing that their also getting rid of
FeedBurner. I'm trying Feedly but I'm not to sure about them yet. So if
you'd like to follow me you can follow through BL,email,G+, or even
twitter! I'll be removing GFC soon so whoever followed me there please
follow me through the on one of the other ways I listed or heck through
all if you like! Thanks!:0) Please follow me through BlogLovin or through
twitter,G+,email to the right on the side bar! Thanks!I follow back!:0)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Come and party with me at the Ultimate Blog Party!

Hi thanks for coming to party with me! I'm a
little late, but better late than never, eh? Here
is my contributions to the blog party! I have
another blog called the nanafiles! it's about my
grand children! So I've decided to post pics of
them here! I'd rather add this blog instead of
that one. So here are my grand children! I
love and enjoy them so much! I hope you
will enjoy them too!:0)

My oldest Grandson Tre'
looking spiffy!:0)

Princess in red! My Granddaughter
Ms. Nee!:0)
My Grandson R'Kell! Sears catalog
My Grandson CJ and Thomas the
Train! At his first BDay Party!:0)
My Grandson Trent! Look at those
And last but not least my Grandson
Tae'!! Isn't he adorable?:0)
Well here are all my Grand Boo's-
my lil angel in Heaven Sharena! Grandma
misses you! Hope you guys enjoy them as
much as I do!
Friday, April 5, 2013
On a short hiatus/ Throwback Halloween Basket!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Throwback Thursday/Valentine's Day Basket!!
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